If you have students who will be picked up from Throop Gymnasium at dismissal, please review the dismissal procedures in our re-entry plan. Caregivers will remain in their vehicles. Your vehicle will have a school-issued decal indicating the child's name (first only), grade, and homeroom teacher. Staff will read the decal and radio staff inside the building for your child. If you would like to request a decal for your child please access the form on our Throop website or call Throop at 812-723-3537. If multiple people will have access to picking up the student please request a decal for each vehicle. Anyone without a decal at dismissal will be directed to the main entrance of Throop Elementary where office staff will verify permission to pick up the student. Decals will be available for pick-up on Friday, July 31, 2020 from 9:00-12:00.
Student Pick-up Decals
August 16, 2020