
Our school corporation’s attendance has been significantly impacted by the widespread respiratory illnesses in our community.  

Our administrators and school nurse met with the Orange County Health Department today and received guidance from the county health nurse and our district epidemiologist from the Indiana Department of Health.
Paoli Schools will be implementing the following plan of action:

-deep cleaning of all common areas including the cafeteria, bathrooms, and classrooms

-providing disinfectant wipes to all classrooms to be used on high-touch surfaces such as desks, door knobs, and light switches throughout the day

-opening windows to increase ventilation as weather permits

-ensuring that our students are reminded to cover their coughs and sneezes and to wash their hands frequently and thoroughly

-providing masks if requested

Parents and Guardians - we ask that you please keep your students home if they are sick.  A doctor’s note is not required to excuse an absence due to illness, but you must notify the building office of the absence.  Absences during this time will be considered if students are over their allotted number of missed days.  

If your students are sick, please keep them home until they have been fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications.  Students must also be 24 hours free of any episodes of vomiting and/or diarrhea before they may return.  

Paoli Schools will continue to work with the health department to monitor this situation.