The current recommendations from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) for any positive COVID-19 test is to isolate from other people.  Once someone with a positive COVID-19 test returns to school the best practice is to wear a mask until it has been 10 days since symptom onset or, if asymptomatic, 10 days from the date of the positive test.  If a person is tested by a healthcare provider for COVID-19, he or she should follow the instructions from that provider regarding when to return to school and masking.  No one should be at school if he or she has a fever of 100.4 F or greater or is vomiting or having diarrhea.  If a person has had any of those symptoms, the earliest he or she can return is 24 hours after the fever has broken or 24 hours after the last episode of vomiting and/or diarrhea.

COVID-19 is treated in the same manner as other communicable illnesses.  The responsibility for monitoring symptoms and isolating when sick is on the individual and no longer on the school.  Parents are expected to call the main office to report any student absence.  The school does not offer testing for COVID-19.  The only time COVID-19 tests are done at school is when ordered by a provider during a medical telehealth visit through Southern Indiana Community Healthcare (SICHC).  

